Aaahhhh! The final blog post!! Wooohooo!!
So the issues paper kicked my butt. I kinda hated it. A. Lot. This was definitely the worst paper. It just seemed so incredibly long (well, it was incredibly long) and I just kept going on rants to make it long enough. The process of writing it wasn't too terrible. The steps always helped. But I'm just glad it's over and I can stop worrying about the stupid thing. :)
I LOVE Jason Aldean and I was surprised I haven't put any of his wonderful music up here. So here is one of my favorites of his!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
My Paper's Formula
So I start off with my introduction which will have a little story about off shoring and some explanation of off shoring. Next will be the background of off shoring. Up next is my thesis and a map of my paper. The body comes next with all of my facts and analysis. Finally is is my procatalepsis and how it can help companies followed by my conclusion and call to action! Woo hoo.
Someone try and tell me they aren't amazingly wonderful.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Work Work Work.....
I possibly hate my job. Well, not exactly the job itself, but the fact that I keep getting scheduled to work on Friday nights. Not. Okay. I work at Chickfila at the University Mall, and I love the people I work with and all, but I would rather be ANYWHERE but there on a Friday night. That uniform isn't exactly the cutest thing on the planet and standing there watching everyone and their brother have fun without me isn't the time of my life. Or what I would like to be doing on my Friday night. Just saying....
On a happier note, at least the food is freakin yummy and I have an endless supply of Dr Pepper. So it's all good!
Dr. Pepper is my love.
On a happier note, at least the food is freakin yummy and I have an endless supply of Dr Pepper. So it's all good!
Dr. Pepper is my love.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
I Love Susan.
So the lady that Rachel and I got for the writing lab was possibly the nicest woman EVER. She was old and cute and just reminded me of my grandma. I wanted to steal her away from the writing lab and take her home with me to bake me cookies. Along with being nice, she was real helpful! She gave me a TON of ideas for my paper and some great sources too. So basically, all y'all hatin on the writin lab need to chill. Next time just go ask for Susan and she will make you happy. Like real happy.
And here is a video that will make you happy also. It's just too bad Susan couldn't be in it :(
And here is a video that will make you happy also. It's just too bad Susan couldn't be in it :(
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Watch Your Back.....Ground.
So I decided to write on the need for requiring the President to have served in the armed forces because he/she is the commander and chief. And here are a few websites I found that talked about this. online news article Web Article online news article Web Article
Monday, February 27, 2012
We've All Got Issues....
I had a difficult time thinking of topics for this paper! But here are three that I came up with:
- Women should get a good education to help support their families
- Why do women not feel the need to get an education and only go to college to get married?
- What do these women think will happen if their husband looses his job or the couple is divorced?
- The government should make more regulations involving the placement of pornography because little kids are stumbling upon it on accident.
- How will the government manage this?
- What ways can they prevent this from happening?
- The world will reach maximum capacity soon if we don't control our population.
- How can we stop this from happening?
- Do people know about this problem? Will making people aware help the problem?
Thoughts on which is the best idea or how to improve upon them are greatly appreciated.
I miss my doggies a BUNCH and this reminded me of them. So cute!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Soldiers: Do They Need More Appreciation or Not?
Soldiers, upon returning from the Vietnam War were spit upon and cursed at when they exited the planes. The soldiers did not feel appreciated and felt ashamed of their service to their country. Is this how soldiers who have risked their lives for us should be treated? Shouldn’t Americans be grateful to these brave men and women who put it all on the line?
In The Daily Universe, Brigham Young University’s newspaper, a columnist discussed the appreciation of the American people to their soldiers. The author focused on the fact that Americans rarely say thank you to soldiers because they feel ‘awkward’ or how American’s pray for the soldiers while they are at war, but forget about them when they return home. Citizens do not realize that these warriors that return home are still affected by what they saw and the actions they were required to perform. “No Unwounded Soldier" is an affective argument to convince the American people to revere soldiers because of the use of imagery and diction to make Americans feel guilt and want to change their ungrateful ways.
The Daily Universe writer uses imagery to help Americans truly understand what soldiers went through and are continuing to encounter on a daily basis. The writer states, “Every night many of the veterans awake from nightmares and terrors. Some of these dreams relive memories from decades back; some of them relive experiences from the month before.” The real life examples make one ache with the soldiers and feel sympathy towards them. Many people do not realize the baggage that soldiers take with them after their service. Citizens think that the service men and women can leave everything they had to encounter behind them wherever they fought. But this is a false assumption and the writer makes this clear. The writer also states, “They don’t walk around telling the general populace how much they hurt or how much they struggle. They don’t speak of those nights spent dreaming of snipers and bombs. They don’t talk of their mid-day panics and fears.” Through this example, the columnist emphasizes the humility of soldiers. Many soldiers went through unimaginable experiences and relive those times on a daily basis; however, the service men and women do not want others to know of the pain and agony they are continuing to go through and do not want to flaunt the things they did for each American. But they did risk their lives for the country and should be appreciated for the pain they went through and are continuing to have. These modern day heroes were willing to give their lives for us and do not want much credit for the things they did, a simple thank you would suffice, and that is all these men and women want from the American people. With the usage of imagery in the blog, the writer makes the reader feel as if they were in the place of the soldier. He or she then truly feels for what the soldiers have been and are going through. When the author states, “The medals — earned in younger days — sparkle with an exceptional valor. Though this old man now struggles to shuffle down his stairs, this bravery has not diminished,” the reader can imagine the old, decrepit veteran struggling because of the sacrifice he made for them in an earlier time. The reader feels the want to help the veteran, and the one way to help is with a simple thank you. With these feelings, civilians want to express their gratitude to their protectors more and will go out of their way to do so because of being placed in the veteran’s shoes and feeling the guilt and remorse for not being thankful before.
The word choice in this piece is very effective. The writer’s choice of diction glorifies service men and women. Words such as “brave,” “uniformed glory,” and “super heroes” give the soldiers a higher title. These words honor soldiers and makes citizens see these men and women in a different light; the writer reveres the service men and women and sets them above the others. These words convey a sense of heroism; people want heroes. By comparing soldiers to super heroes, the columnist makes people revere and think about what the men and women have done for them. The writer believes these people are heroes and wants them to be treated as such; heroes get thanked for what they do. The writer uses the phrase “fresh air” when discussing the military dress. The expression makes one think of a new birth. However, the soldiers cannot receive a new birth after their duty. The word choice here makes the reader think of how veterans do not get the chance to forget about the things they have been through and have a new birth. Another phrase in the blog “the least you can do,” was repeated multiple times throughout the piece. This phrase conveys the sense of disappointment the writer has for the American people. The columnist does want the reader to go beyond simply saying thank you, but many people do not even accomplish that task. The writer is saying these people risked their lives for you, the minimum requirement for you is to say thank you. The phrase “the least you can do,” makes people aware that he or she is not even achieving the smallest requirement on their way to gratitude for service men and women. The phrase is a call to action to get the smallest obligation of gratitude from civilians.
The newspaper writer did a great job of getting the point of the need for gratitude across. With many calls to action in the article, Americans have a strong knowledge of what the writer wants them to do after reading the article. The author used concrete imagery to place civilians in the shoes of the soldiers and used certain words to magnify the acts of the service men and women. The writer seems to say that while the soldiers returning home did not have to give all, they did give some and should be thanked for their service.
This is what I believe all soldiers should receive.
Friday, February 24, 2012
What I think bout da RA process
So I thought the RA was way easy! It definitely was not the most fun paper ever, but it was easy. I liked analyzing another person's work! The process was good because it was a process and we discussed it as we went along!
Hope y'all have a great weekend. Here's a laugh to get it started off right:)
Hope y'all have a great weekend. Here's a laugh to get it started off right:)
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Reviewin of da peers
So I honestly think peer reviewing is the most awkward things ever. totally does help a ton! I liked getting help from multiple people in the RA peer review, but I liked getting a much longer time with reviewing with the Oped. I think I would have liked the Oped peer reviews better if we had done it with like one more person. So if we did the Oped version, with just one more person, then I'd be a happy camper! Compromise is always the best:)
And now for a funny picture. I cracked up when I saw this!
And now for a funny picture. I cracked up when I saw this!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Sweet Summertime:)
SUMMER!!!!!! I can't wait for it! Oh how I yearn for warm weather, shorts, and flip flops! I'm tired of this whole cold weather dealio. I want the sunshine on my face and the 87 percent humidity baby! Lake trips, beach trips, daily pool trips are calling my name! No more little Miss Pale Michelle; get ready for a tan one! Just thinking about summer makes me feel all warm inside. And I LOVE it! So basically I'm pumped for summer. So here are some beachy songs to make you feel like you're on the beach with a cold drink in your hand just wasting away:)
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Da Figures In My Language
The blog that I'm writing about uses the rhetorical question "It may seem awkward to walk up to a soldier and shake their hand, but don't you think it's the least you can do?" to call people into action and feel bad for not taking the initiative to thank soldiers for their services.
Another tool the writer uses is imagery; "An old man, aged by experience and time, carefully removes a crisp blue suit from its faded garment bag. Despite their long years together, this suit appears new, cherished and protected, saved for special occasions." The description of these actions put the reader in the veterans shoes.
Oh, and you've all probably seen this video before, but it still cracks me up. So watch it. And enjoy it. Kay?
Another tool the writer uses is imagery; "An old man, aged by experience and time, carefully removes a crisp blue suit from its faded garment bag. Despite their long years together, this suit appears new, cherished and protected, saved for special occasions." The description of these actions put the reader in the veterans shoes.
Oh, and you've all probably seen this video before, but it still cracks me up. So watch it. And enjoy it. Kay?
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra.....RA thesis
"No Unwounded Soldier" is an affective argument to convince the American people to revere soldiers because it uses experiences and an appeal to feelings of graditude to expose a feeling of unappreciativeness towards soldiers.
I really liked this video!
I really liked this video!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Da Blogs Imma Blog Bout
No Unwounded Soldier
Audience- Those who do not support veterans
Writer- Daily Universe
Topic- Solidiers will always have the memories from the war they served in and people should be more kind and respectful to them.
10 Consistent Ghost Story Elements
Audience- Ghost story writers/listeners
Writer- Ian Zanni
Topic- What most ghost stories have in them.
10 Underrated Disney Songs
Audience- Disney Lovers
Writer- Collin
Topic- Disney songs that were forgotten about!
Audience- Those who do not support veterans
Writer- Daily Universe
Topic- Solidiers will always have the memories from the war they served in and people should be more kind and respectful to them.
10 Consistent Ghost Story Elements
Audience- Ghost story writers/listeners
Writer- Ian Zanni
Topic- What most ghost stories have in them.
10 Underrated Disney Songs
Audience- Disney Lovers
Writer- Collin
Topic- Disney songs that were forgotten about!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Reflection of da OpEd.
So I personally think the opinion editorial wasn't bad at all! I liked how we took things step by step! It made writing it so much easier and less stressful!
I think the hardest part was writing the rough draft. Actually having to make myself sit down and pound it out put the rough into rough draft. I might have been one of those people who waited till about 11 at night before starting the thing....but once I sat down and did it, I just kept on writing till it was done!
I liked how much revisement we went through; the meetings with Chris, peer editing, and the writing center peeps. The meeting with Chris was most helpful because he is the one grading it, so it's nice to know what he is looking for! The peer editing was awkward, but helpful also. The writing center was not half as bad as I thought it would be. I thought it would be super awkward and that they would totally change my paper. But it wasn't either of those! They just gave me a few ideas of how to improve it and when I went and did those things, my paper was so my better!
I think going through the steps of the writing process helped me learn that writing a paper right before it is due is not the answer. My paper got better each time I looked and it and whenever someone else took a peek at it. I think that from now on I will make an effort to start papers before the night of!
I think the hardest part was writing the rough draft. Actually having to make myself sit down and pound it out put the rough into rough draft. I might have been one of those people who waited till about 11 at night before starting the thing....but once I sat down and did it, I just kept on writing till it was done!
I liked how much revisement we went through; the meetings with Chris, peer editing, and the writing center peeps. The meeting with Chris was most helpful because he is the one grading it, so it's nice to know what he is looking for! The peer editing was awkward, but helpful also. The writing center was not half as bad as I thought it would be. I thought it would be super awkward and that they would totally change my paper. But it wasn't either of those! They just gave me a few ideas of how to improve it and when I went and did those things, my paper was so my better!
I think going through the steps of the writing process helped me learn that writing a paper right before it is due is not the answer. My paper got better each time I looked and it and whenever someone else took a peek at it. I think that from now on I will make an effort to start papers before the night of!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Rammer Jammer, Yellow Hammer, Give Em Heck Alabama!
The biggest rivalry in college football; The University of Alabama and Auburn University. The Crimson Tide versus the Auburn Tigers...or is it the Auburn Eagles? This rivalry out-ranks the “Holy War” between BYU and The University of Utah. Alabama fans and Auburn fans get into debates on a daily basis. Even on a vacation in Mexico, my dad and a man got into an argument about Alabama and Auburn football. Most people know about the greatness of Alabama football but have no clue about Auburn football. Alabama football is a way of life. The phrase “Roll Tide” rings true to every born and raised Alabama football fan. The University of Alabama has a legacy of winning and Auburn University doesn’t have that classy way to play the wonderful game of football. The University of Alabama's football program is far superior to Auburn Universities football program due to the fans, mascots, and pure talent.
Alabama football fans are true fans. They support their team in ups and downs, good seasons and bad seasons. Being a football fan at the University of Alabama is a life long journey while Auburn fans tend to be more fair-weather than loyal. A football team needs their fans to be loyal and support them at all times to be successful. The atmosphere at a game can make a big difference. Teams would rather play a team at home then away because the fans can make or break the game. If the fans are like Alabama fans, and support the team when they are not doing so hot, the team is more likely to improve. Also, the two team’s stadiums show a great deal about the commitment and participation of their fans; Auburn’s stadium, Jordan-Hare Stadium, holds 87,451 people compared to Alabama’s Bryant Denny Stadium which holds 101,821 fans. Even with all of these seats, Bryant Denny still has to turn away season ticket holders and people on A-day; the day of scrimmage between Alabama’s offense and defense. Alabama fans can get a little crazy at the games because of the passion feel for the team and the game of football. There are many special cheers specific to The University of Alabama, such as the “Rammer Jammer” that Alabama fans know and love to chant. If Auburn fans were more enthusiastic during the games, then the team would have a greater sense of hope and would be able to win more of their games.
Auburn University has two mascots. Not one, but two! I have always been taught that teams got to have one mascot to represent their school. Auburn has the tiger and the eagle. The phrase Auburn fans say is “War Eagle.” But why are they called the “Auburn Tigers?” With two different mascots, loyalties can get a little confusing. Some fans will be cheering for the tiger and others for the eagle. The sense of unity would not be there as much as the University of Alabama’s unity. Hence another reason why Alabama has an outstanding football program because the elephant is the one and only mascot for the University and has the entire fan bases devotion.
The heritage of The University of Alabama’s football team is extremely impressive. The school has a great coaching staff along with great players. The head coach at Alabama is Nick Saban. Coach Saban has three national championships behind him. One from LSU, and the other two from Alabama! Since becoming coach in 2007, Saban has led the tide to 55 wins! But, to win games, you have to have great coaches and players. Alabama has fourteen National Championship titles next to Auburn’s measly five. The talent at Alabama far out ways the talent at Auburn. Look at the defenses of the two teams. Alabama’s defense is first in the nation and Auburn’s is sixty fourth; pretty big difference if you ask me. Another impressive statistic of Alabama football is the recruiting class. Alabama’s recruiting class is once again first in the rankings while Auburn is number twelve. In 2011 Auburn had a fantastic quarter-back, Cam Newton. It was highly suspected that this savior of Auburn’s football team was paid to come to the University and play for them. All of the stand-out players at Alabama have not had these accusations! With the number of games won and the great coaching staff at Alabama, players do not have to be paid to play on the team. They are just excited to play on a great football team, and in my opinion, the greatest football program in sport’s history.
I do realize that Auburn University does have some good things to offer at their school; the veterinarian program, the agricultural program, and the scholastics, in general, are fantastic. But, the football program is just not up to par with that of Alabama’s. The University of Alabama has a prestigious football team. Some say it is over-rated; others say that the entire South Eastern Conference is behind on the times and need to change the way they play their football. With fourteen National Championships under their belt, it is well known, that the University of Alabama has a great understanding of the beautiful game of football. Auburn University could defiantly take some pointers from Alabama’s staff. If Auburn could bring in classier fans, stop being indecisive on their mascot choice, and improve their players abilities, the team would begin to bring home as many championships as Alabama. But success like Alabama’s comes from a legacy of success and great football. But hey, if Auburn starts now, one day they might get there!
Alabama football fans are true fans. They support their team in ups and downs, good seasons and bad seasons. Being a football fan at the University of Alabama is a life long journey while Auburn fans tend to be more fair-weather than loyal. A football team needs their fans to be loyal and support them at all times to be successful. The atmosphere at a game can make a big difference. Teams would rather play a team at home then away because the fans can make or break the game. If the fans are like Alabama fans, and support the team when they are not doing so hot, the team is more likely to improve. Also, the two team’s stadiums show a great deal about the commitment and participation of their fans; Auburn’s stadium, Jordan-Hare Stadium, holds 87,451 people compared to Alabama’s Bryant Denny Stadium which holds 101,821 fans. Even with all of these seats, Bryant Denny still has to turn away season ticket holders and people on A-day; the day of scrimmage between Alabama’s offense and defense. Alabama fans can get a little crazy at the games because of the passion feel for the team and the game of football. There are many special cheers specific to The University of Alabama, such as the “Rammer Jammer” that Alabama fans know and love to chant. If Auburn fans were more enthusiastic during the games, then the team would have a greater sense of hope and would be able to win more of their games.
Auburn University has two mascots. Not one, but two! I have always been taught that teams got to have one mascot to represent their school. Auburn has the tiger and the eagle. The phrase Auburn fans say is “War Eagle.” But why are they called the “Auburn Tigers?” With two different mascots, loyalties can get a little confusing. Some fans will be cheering for the tiger and others for the eagle. The sense of unity would not be there as much as the University of Alabama’s unity. Hence another reason why Alabama has an outstanding football program because the elephant is the one and only mascot for the University and has the entire fan bases devotion.
The heritage of The University of Alabama’s football team is extremely impressive. The school has a great coaching staff along with great players. The head coach at Alabama is Nick Saban. Coach Saban has three national championships behind him. One from LSU, and the other two from Alabama! Since becoming coach in 2007, Saban has led the tide to 55 wins! But, to win games, you have to have great coaches and players. Alabama has fourteen National Championship titles next to Auburn’s measly five. The talent at Alabama far out ways the talent at Auburn. Look at the defenses of the two teams. Alabama’s defense is first in the nation and Auburn’s is sixty fourth; pretty big difference if you ask me. Another impressive statistic of Alabama football is the recruiting class. Alabama’s recruiting class is once again first in the rankings while Auburn is number twelve. In 2011 Auburn had a fantastic quarter-back, Cam Newton. It was highly suspected that this savior of Auburn’s football team was paid to come to the University and play for them. All of the stand-out players at Alabama have not had these accusations! With the number of games won and the great coaching staff at Alabama, players do not have to be paid to play on the team. They are just excited to play on a great football team, and in my opinion, the greatest football program in sport’s history.
I do realize that Auburn University does have some good things to offer at their school; the veterinarian program, the agricultural program, and the scholastics, in general, are fantastic. But, the football program is just not up to par with that of Alabama’s. The University of Alabama has a prestigious football team. Some say it is over-rated; others say that the entire South Eastern Conference is behind on the times and need to change the way they play their football. With fourteen National Championships under their belt, it is well known, that the University of Alabama has a great understanding of the beautiful game of football. Auburn University could defiantly take some pointers from Alabama’s staff. If Auburn could bring in classier fans, stop being indecisive on their mascot choice, and improve their players abilities, the team would begin to bring home as many championships as Alabama. But success like Alabama’s comes from a legacy of success and great football. But hey, if Auburn starts now, one day they might get there!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
I'm Normally Not This Emotional....I Promise!!
''So here lately I have started to get back into the 'I miss everything' stage.
I miss Alabama. I miss the thunderstorms there. I miss waking up in the middle of the night because the house is shaking due to the thunder rumbling. I don't ever get to hear the pitter-patter of rain on the tin roof anymore. I miss it.
I also miss the food. I miss getting to go out to eat to nice restuarants with my parents. I can't even remember the last time I went out to eat at a decent place! I miss barbecue. I hate how out west 'barbecue' is considered a verb. It. Is. Not. Barbecue is a noun. It is a food. NOT A VERB. You can grill-out, but you cannot barbecue. I miss my momma's cooking. Oh how she can make the best food!!
Most of all I miss my family, friends, and my ward. I miss having that group of people that have known me since I was born. Out here when things go wrong, I don't have that group of people there to help me out. My ward back home has known me for as long as I have known myself and they will do anything for me. Out here there just isn't that same support group. I feel weird if I needed something to call my relief society president and ask for something, cause she is in the same boat I am in. I miss my family. My neice and nephew. They are the cutest kids ever! I miss my momma and my daddy. I miss how my dad and I could just laugh and laugh without anyone else understanding what we are laughing about. I miss it. I miss my mom. I miss seeing my brother and my sisters.
I miss Alabama. I miss the thunderstorms there. I miss waking up in the middle of the night because the house is shaking due to the thunder rumbling. I don't ever get to hear the pitter-patter of rain on the tin roof anymore. I miss it.
I also miss the food. I miss getting to go out to eat to nice restuarants with my parents. I can't even remember the last time I went out to eat at a decent place! I miss barbecue. I hate how out west 'barbecue' is considered a verb. It. Is. Not. Barbecue is a noun. It is a food. NOT A VERB. You can grill-out, but you cannot barbecue. I miss my momma's cooking. Oh how she can make the best food!!

Sorry for the little pity party. Life really is great! I just miss a fair amount of stuff. I am having the time of my life out here, but I do miss my great state and all of the people in it! I love BYU and am so thankful to be here!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Greek Junk.
Logos- Stadium size, Statistics (Alabama is ranked number one. Number of National Championships)
Pathos- Personal Experiences, passions (Being at the games, people get pretty passionate about football)
Ethos- Personal Experience, Citing experts (I've been to both Alabama and Auburn and has experts)
Pathos- Personal Experiences, passions (Being at the games, people get pretty passionate about football)
Ethos- Personal Experience, Citing experts (I've been to both Alabama and Auburn and has experts)
Friday, January 20, 2012
You Know What They Say When You Assume...
Claim: Alabama football > Auburn Football
Reasons: Fans (bigger stadium, classy people), mascots (2 mascots), heritage (14 national champs, walk of champions, denny chimes, tailgating)
Assumptions: Fans want to cheer for the better team!
Reasons: Fans (bigger stadium, classy people), mascots (2 mascots), heritage (14 national champs, walk of champions, denny chimes, tailgating)
Assumptions: Fans want to cheer for the better team!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Topic: Alabama football is better than Auburn football.
Thesis: The University of Alabama's football program is far superior to Auburn Universities football program due to the fans, mascots, and pure talent.
I'm sure that little sentence will change quite a bit over this writing process. But we shall see!
Thesis: The University of Alabama's football program is far superior to Auburn Universities football program due to the fans, mascots, and pure talent.
I'm sure that little sentence will change quite a bit over this writing process. But we shall see!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
What in the World Should One Write About?
Here are a few of my ideas for my opinion editorial! By the way, anything is WAY to broad a topic:)
-Why Alabama football is better than Auburn football.
-Why Alabama football is better than Auburn football.
- Mascot- Auburn needs to make up their mind. Do they want the eagle to be it or do they want the tiger? You can't pick and choose here. An elephant is way cuter than both of these anyways so it doesnt matter what they choose.
- Ability- 13(hopefully 14) National Championships vs 5
- Don't have to pay players to come (Cam Newton) number 1 in recruting vs number 12
- 14th in rushing yards vs 32 in rushing
- Show EVERY curve and mistake in your body. Whoever invented them made them to go UNDER skirts and such. NOT to replace pants.
- Makes your hair nappy.
- Boys WILL make fun of you
- Caterogizes you as a Utah girl.
- No one wants to see another person whisper sweet nothings into someones ear. So keep it private.
- It's just gross.
- It makes everyone around you feel awkward.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Wanna Talk About Me?
Hey y'all! My name is Michelle Elmore and I was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. I am 18 years old and this is my second semester at BYU! My major right now is Spanish translation and I am thinking about minoring in Arabic. I want to work for the government when I graduate. I love to sing and dance and I was in show choir in high school and LOVED it! We were pretty darn good, not going to lie! So some interesting/weird facts about me; I love football (especially Alabama), my favorite color is yellow, and I randomly break out in song! There's a little bit about me! :)
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