Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra.....RA thesis

"No Unwounded Soldier" is an affective argument to convince the American people to revere soldiers because it uses experiences and an appeal to feelings of graditude to expose a feeling of unappreciativeness towards soldiers.

I really liked this video!


  1. Coming from a family of many military veterans, friends that serve, and intending to do the same myself, I cannot thank you enough for expounding on this very important issue. I really like how you chose to say that this blog post was “an affective argument” instead of effective; at first I thought that it may have been just a typo, but this argument does effectively affect the reader to go and do something.

  2. I am totally one of those people who want to say thank you every time I see some in uniform. I think I have to go read this article you are writing about!

  3. What a great topic! I'd have to say, I do the exact same thing Tessa does! I feel like we owe so much to the men and women who have served and are serving in the military.

  4. This is a good thesis and a RA about military should be interesting.
