Saturday, January 7, 2012

What in the World Should One Write About?

Here are a few of my ideas for my opinion editorial! By the way, anything is WAY to broad a topic:)

-Why Alabama football is better than Auburn football.
  • Mascot- Auburn needs to make up their mind. Do they want the eagle to be it or do they want the tiger? You can't pick and choose here. An elephant is way cuter than both of these anyways so it doesnt matter what they choose.
  • Ability- 13(hopefully 14) National Championships vs 5
    • Don't have to pay players to come (Cam Newton) number 1 in recruting vs number 12
    • 14th in rushing yards vs 32 in rushing
  • Show EVERY curve and mistake in your body. Whoever invented them made them to go UNDER skirts and such. NOT to replace pants.
-Why girls shouldn't be allowed to poof their hair
  • Makes your hair nappy.
  • Boys WILL make fun of you
  • Caterogizes you as a Utah girl.
-PDA is badddddd.
  • No one wants to see another person whisper sweet nothings into someones ear. So keep it private.
  • It's just gross.
  • It makes everyone around you feel awkward.
Yay for opinion topics!


  1. I love your topic of poofing hair. I will admit I do it sometimes, but I also agree that it is one of those things that gets out of hand and way too excessive.

  2. PDA is the worst! I mean, it's okay to an extent, but sometimes I just wanna smack them! Certain things you do in public, certain things you don't, common courtesy. Some people just forget they're in public, I guess.

  3. Haha. I love all of your topics and agree with you on everyone. PDA just makes others passing by feel awkward. Seriously take it somewhere else!

  4. I think your comment about the multiple mascots of Auburn is funny and it reminded me of another great school, Stanford. They have two mascots as well, a tree and a cardinal haha. Anyway I think you could have a compelling argument about which school is better and it would get a lot of attention in Alabama. You won't need to make much of an argument after what recently happened with the national championship game.

  5. Awesome topics! I agree with Tanner.... mascot confusion is just not good for a school. They need to choose! This would be a paper that I would love to read, being a college football fan fanatic. So can't wait for this!
