Thursday, February 2, 2012

Reflection of da OpEd.

So I personally think the opinion editorial wasn't bad at all! I liked how we took things step by step! It made writing it so much easier and less stressful!

I think the hardest part was writing the rough draft. Actually having to make myself sit down and pound it out put the rough into rough draft. I might have been one of those people who waited till about 11 at night before starting the thing....but once I sat down and did it, I just kept on writing till it was done!

I liked how much revisement we went through; the meetings with Chris, peer editing, and the writing center peeps. The meeting with Chris was most helpful because he is the one grading it, so it's nice to know what he is looking for! The peer editing was awkward, but helpful also. The writing center was not half as bad as I thought it would be. I thought it would be super awkward and that they would totally change my paper. But it wasn't either of those! They just gave me a few ideas of how to improve it and when I went and did those things, my paper was so my better!

I think going through the steps of the writing process helped me learn that writing a paper right before it is due is not the answer. My paper got better each time I looked and it and whenever someone else took a peek at it. I think that from now on I will make an effort to start papers before the night of!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely agree with all of your comments and opinions of the OpEd process. I must say though that I agree the most with your final thoughts. Something I have to work on as well is to NOT leave writing papers to the last minute. The writing process really helped, so yay for writing process and learning from our mistakes! haha (Glad I'm not the only one that "occasionally" procrastinates).
